Saturday, January 10, 2009

A New Point of View

Found this spot randomly on Ads of the World. It's so simple: seeing the world from the point of view of a champagne cork.

I kind of like it. This fun little extra was posted below it:
And now that you've seen the spot, maybe you can answer the quiz:

What's for dinner?
What's the old woman in the mirror doing?
What's the creature on the topless body builder's shoulder?
What's the liquid in that metal tub?

Also saw these:

Apparently these ads came from my very own Miami Ad School here in South Beach (where, by the way, it is a delightful 76 degrees with almost clear skies). The ads are pretty nicely art directed (with the exception of that drop shadow on the text). The art director is Roberto Salas, copywriter is Sachi Brown and the instructor is Manuel Huici. I haven't heard of any of these people but maybe I'll start uploading some of my own work to the website. Who knows what might happen...

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