That was a horrible, horrible post on Saturday. I feel like I need to delete it before it tarnishes the rest of my beloved blog. I probably won't even have time to update for the next few days since I am in the middle of a monsoon, figuratively and literally. The rainy season has begun once again and my calendar is so booked I don't even know everything that's on it. I'm now taking applications for a personal assistant.
I still can't figure out why I freaked out at the last minute and spent only the last few hours of the allotted time to do the 48 hour brief sponsored by Young Lions.
This past weekend was weird. And quite a waste.
I won't embed the final product of my futility but I will post the link in case you're curious. Oh and I'm giving up facebook and twitter for the next couple days; partly to see if it's possible, but mostly so I can get some serious work done so I can enjoy some of the weekend with all my friends that are migrating here for memorial day, including my Boca BFF!
But I guess in the words of one of my heroes, Van Wilder/Ryan Reynolds, "Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere." Write that down.
3 years ago
Dude. I hated your ad the 1st time I watched it. But I only watched it half-assed.
Then I watched it like 10 times in a row. I couldn't stop. I really like it. I don't know how to explain it but in this way, and don't take offense.
It comes off as "childish." But the kinda 'childish' that like...everyone wants to be. That climate change is something we all think about, that we all can effect. And it's not that hard, and it can be fun...just like being a kid.
That's obviously a terrible way to explain it. But it's the only way I know how. I've watched a few others, and I like yours the best, hands down. I really hope you win, or at least get short listed.
All the best, for sure!
and no joke, my captcha is "fingerbang"
yea it looked way better in my head. the brief seemed to stress that they wanted it upbeat and positive (even though they kept making it sound like impending doom) so that's what i tried to go for. and the song was literally the first few rhythms i found in garageband, lol. i was going for the pes-style stop-motion. i guess on the bright side i learned some new origami and brushed up on my adobe bridge skills.
thanks dude!
i heart it! it's way better than any of the other ones that i've seen so far. and it's totally you, if that makes sense! i can tell it's your flava! :)
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