Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One / Three = Scandal

So Calvin Klein had this orgy-tastic new ad up in New York until recently. Well, they had to do something to get attention. I for one kind of forgot the brand even existed.

They haven't really been a big designer name since the early 90's when Cher (Alicia Silverstone) name dropped it in Clueless.

I don't see why it was such a big deal. They were just trying to appeal to a much-neglected polygamous niche market. Anyways, they replaced it yesterday with a less scandalous and more generic bikini-clad chick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually read a funny comment on that billboard.

Because of where it was in NYC, it was something like, it was the 1st time anyone in that neighborhood had gotten offended at an orgy.