Monday, February 16, 2009

Photoshop Fail

This screencap has been sitting idle on my desktop for a while. I saw this ad on Pandora and probably didn't even need to save it because the images are so bad that they are forever burned into my subconscious.

It's pretty much one of the worst design jobs I have ever seen! The mohawk and glasses are masked really horribly and the type kind of makes me want to gag. It's a big random mess of vector and rasterized images that don't go together at all. And you gotta love the default photoshop brush action and fake-blur effects. The thing that irks me the most is that there are like 3 different logos battling it out.

I could keep going and going and going on about how bad this ad is, but obviously the image speaks for itself.

1 comment:

mingmui said...

totally laughed at your post! :) i had to click image to enlarge to get the full effect of how amazing this photo is. takes a true design girl to tear this banner ad apart and do it justice.

i was just talking to my mom about the great vday cards you posted yesterday. :D