Last week for the class we had to sit in front of the class and be thoroughly yet anonymously judged by our peers. G Michael typed everything up and read us our alphabetical results this week.
Here were some of my favorites:
"Sweet Bangs"
"Piercing Fest"
"Cheerful person portrayed by clean wardrobe"
"Looks like she came from a plantation"
"Needs to do something or she may lose it and go nuts"
"Easily Amused" and "Easter colored"
And the two adjectives that apparently describe me best are "tan"and "blonde." No surprise there.
So onto the recommendation. I found this sweet pair of chopsticks in the desk drawer at my cubicle today. They were for this local restaurant called Sushi Maki which comes highly recommended by my co-workers. Partly because the sushi is good and because it is open late and delivers when you are trying to meet a deadline. I take their word about the quality part. I think sushi tastes like sea barf.

[The Walrus, El Diablo, The Fu Manchu, The Donkey, My Favorite Martian]
On the reverse side:
WARNING: Professional Chopstick Stunt People were used for the drawings above. In real life, chop sticks are dangerous - even lethal in a ninja warrior's hands. You could poke your eye out, or tear your rotator cuff or something. So our lawyers tell us that we have to warn you that they can be dangerous and cause serious physical harm if you use them for anything but eating. Sushi Maki is not liable for any damage or harm that may come to you from the improper handling of these utensils. Parents, watch your children closely and please exercise caution. Or just ask for a fork. Which could be dangerous too, we guess. Eating with your hands would be safe, but messy. Good luck.
Proof that you can make anything creative; even packaging for a mundane pair of Asian eating tools. I'm kind of infatuated with the copy. And the design isn't bad either. The website is very nice and check out this Get out of hunger free card:

lol, sea barf. i am not a big sushi fan either. i think it's overrated.
congrats on rocking your first standup! :D
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