Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Reading List

I just finished my last term of school EVER so it's gonna be hard to get used to not having that extended vacation every year. But, I still have some books on the back burner that I've been meaning to devote some attention to. Hopefully every week at the agency won't take up 65 hours of my time, like last week. So here we go, in no particular order:

Ok, I've read this one several times, mostly when I was in Boulder last fall. But sadly I have yet to own a copy for myself. You can enhance your creativity through osmosis, right? This book may replace one of my pillows.

Another book I discovered in Boulder, that I affectionately call by its alternate title "The Douchebag Bible." I rented it from the library and got through about half of it before my workload became overwhelming and it started collecting dust on my dresser. Then of course when I finally had some time to finish it, I had to return it. Even though I've dated enough of these guys that I should have been familiar with everything in the book before I even picked it up.

I might as well round out the skinny bitch book series. I bought the original shortly after it was released, then got the cookbook for Christmas, however, I don't need the "Bun in the Oven" edition...yet.

Basically my favorite story of all time. I haven't re-read it in ages and I feel like I'm somehow hypocritical for not owning a copy of it. I have the Disney version on DVD, but that's equivalent to owning a fake designer bag and pretending it's the real thing.

Anthem is right behind Alice on my favorite books list. I fell asleep several times while attempting to read Atlas Shrugged. So it's pretty much a coin toss for me whether or not I'm going to like, or even finish this one. Regardless, Ayn Rand is pretty cool. And not just because we have the same birthday.


mingmui said...

speaking of alice, i saw this today and thought you might enjoy (in case you haven't seen them yet):

Julio said...

The Game starts of good but then it trails off into lameness...

Miranda said...

MM: Thanks for the great AIW update :)

J: So are you saying I didn't miss anything by not finishing it? lol