Sunday, August 31, 2008

nude no more

if you know me at all, you've probably seen me wearing and/or talking about threadless t-shirts. threadless's novel concept is an online, community-based t-shirt company. anyone can join and submit designs for free, which are then scored by other threadless users.

if your design is scored high enough within 7 days, it is produced and you rake in the rewards; $2,000 in cash, $500 in gift certificates and $500 every time your design is reprinted (not to mention a well-deserved sense of accomplishment and bragging rights). you also earn points (which translate into dollars towards free shirts) for participating in street team activities.

but don't get too excited yet, it's not as easy as it sounds. you have to think of a great concept and execute a great design that appeals to a wide and varied audience.
basically, i am obsessed and will have one of my designs produced...someday.

here are some of my fav's:

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