Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Douchebook

I really, really hate this commercial I keep seeing on TV for Verizon's mini notebook things. You know, the one where this dude is sitting on a dock or something and this chick sits next to him to inquire about his worthless little device and he keeps finishing her sentences. I mean, this thing screams "toolbag." Why get something cool like an iPhone when you can carry around a whole mini computer? I have way too much other crap I need to carry around in my purse.

The best part is at the end of the commercial when the chick starts saying something like "I'm..." and then he cuts her off with "Amazed? Jealous? Wanna be me right now?" and then she smirks and says "getting one." I guess Verizon is trying to appeal to the Douchebag market with this one. If I was her, I would smack him upside the head with that little device and then throw them both over the side of that dock and hope that he gets a couple fingers clipped off by a mutant lobster. Good luck using your stupid mini keyboard after that! Ha!

(I would have posted the commercial here, but apparently the entire internet has deemed it unworthy of being posted anywhere.) Oh, and not to mention it looks like they are totally trying to rip off Apple with their attempt at design.

1 comment:

mingmui said...

LOL!!! and love the tags. :)
haven't seen it unfortunately (fortunately) because of the overseas thing. but i think that the lobster is free to take as much anger out on them as he wants as far as i'm concerned.