Wednesday, August 5, 2009

In Memory of Sevenmir

So I got a random link from one of my old ad school friends through iChat a few weeks ago. I would expect this friend to send me a random link, so I clicked it, and it took me to a site where it asked me to enter my screenname and password for my profile to be compared to my friend's. In hindsight, I have no idea why I actually entered my password, but I did and this little bar graph type thing showed up and said that his profile beat mine. I thought the whole thing was a little weird, but didn't think much about it until people started IMing me asking me what this link was that I was sending them. CRAP! I was like "Umm, I didn't send you a link, but whatever it is, don't click on it."

So now it's a couple weeks later and when I got home from work and tried to log onto iChat, it was telling me to enter my password, instead of just starting automatically. I entered it probably 3,000 different times and tried for over an hour to salvage my beloved screenname, sevenmir. I never thought I would be attached to something that's not even tangible! I created that alias at least 8 years ago based on my high school jersey number and my name. I didn't realize how much I take being instantly connected to everyone I know for granted. I was so pissed at first, but I got over it and my new online alias is now 'mirandomology.' I decided to make a clean & consistent break and changed my twitter name to the same thing, and am considering changing the name of this blog, too.

I guess it was probably time to switch it up a little bit. My old screenname was cluttered with tons of people that I hadn't talked to in ages and thankfully I was able to retrieve some of my recent work peeps' screennames from my address book.

Anyways, I'm not the only one who got hacked - it's happened to at least five other Miami Ad School kids that I know of, so far. I wonder where it started and what the point of it is. It's not like you're going to gain any valuable info like social security or credit card numbers through AIM or iChat. Curse you, evil virus-maker man! May you be attacked by a 1,000 rabid chipmunks!

Whatevs. I'm sure sevenmir is in screenname Heaven...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

sorry to hear about this sister. now you know better than to click on strange links. ;) RIP sevenmir.