Thursday, October 30, 2008

economic meltdown

two artists (ligorano/reese) installed a 5 ft tall, 1,500 pound ice sculpture yesterday in the financial district of manhattan. the word 'economy' is expected to melt within 24 hours and was installed in honor of the 79th anniversary of the stock market crash from october 29, 1929.

it's obviously relevant to the state of the economy today as well.
similar pieces were installed in denver and st.paul at the democratic and republican conventions, respectively.

reminds me of another artist, laura gilbert, who handed out 10,000 signed and numbered prints of her $0 bill on wall street a few weeks ago. i'm surprised she didn't put bush's or some bank ceo's face on the front instead of george washington's.

more about political ice sculptures from wordpress and pure products usa, which the ice artists may or may not be associated with.
learn more about the art inspired by america's economic crisis.

1 comment:

mingmui said...

ice sculptures are a great idea! and i guess it's warm enough that they'll melt (but not cold enough that they'll stay there). :)