Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bite the Bullet

Congrats to all my friends who won Young Guns Awards this year!

Voldemars, Mihnea and Savina (Sunny) won the golden bullet and have now been dubbed the official Young Guns Students of the Year for their voting and recycling idea. Simple. Brilliant. I find it funny that they are all European, yet American polictics still play a part in this campaign. (I think I remember them working on this when I was in Germany this summer).

Then there's Devon and Christian who won TWO bullets - a silver and a bronze for their World Vision Foodmail and IKEA Perfect Fit ideas, respectively.

And I don't know these guys, but the professional Young Guns of the Year are Eric Kallman and Craig Allen from TBWA/Chiat/Day from New York for their Skittles commercials:

I hope to be inducted into the YG Club at some point...I still have 6 years.

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