Sunday, December 14, 2008


According to my weather widget, it's one degree outside right now. One degree.

Excited to have a little time off right now after working 12-14 hour days for the past week or so on this campaign (Hence, the lack of posts). Last night we had the party for all of us students and our 'teachers' at Crispin. I overindulged in the best authentic Italian food ever; including two servings of tiramisu. And I licked the plate.

Then we spent the night dancing at Round Midnight, and when we came out it was snowing. It was still snowing when i woke up this morning.

Here's a great commercial that aired in the Netherlands for Heineken supporting their 'extra cold' campaign. Created by TBWA\Neboko in Amsterdam.

I always liked this one by Berlin Cameron United:

1 comment:

Jamie said...

They could only air that "extra cold commercial" in Europe...all those naked old men! Ewwww! Haha.