Sunday, November 2, 2008

halloweekend recap

as promised, here are a few pics from (halloween + weekend =) halloweekend.

kristina as a droog from a clockwork orange, me as anna kournikova (you can't see my tennis racket), theron as a geico caveman/masquerade lumberjack/teenage wolfman (his costume is open for interpretation) and ive as a 50's bowler girl.

me trying out for the broncos and kris looking like axle rose on acid

i found a sweet tie-dyed chair!

two of my favorite costumes: live covers of time and people magazine.

and alex came as an AIM buddylist. lol.

i have a great class at cp+b in which we become better acquainted with css and dreamweaver. basically we are building portfolio websites. i am kind of familiar with html so its not that bad learning xhtml. geekiest 'costume' award goes to computer code tattoo guy.

hands down the most popular costumes this year were sarah palin and the joker:

too bad i missed out on seeing the 10th annual boulder naked pumpkin run live...

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